Wednesday, June 11, 2008

quark question

Does anyone know where I can find buttermilk? The real thing? Not the low fat variety . . . which is all our local grocery carries . . .

I want to try to make Quark (a sort of German variation on cream cheese).

Suggestions appreciated!


RevMrA said...

No, but I sure hope someone does. Buttermilk, the real thing, is and has always been one of my favorite drinks--yep!, even when I was a kid. It's probably the only drink I like served REALLY cold. It's a summertime favorite.

When I was in grade school, we had it often at home, but I think mostly for me. I don't remember any of my siblings or either parent liking it that much. But, one of the good nuns at our parochial school--Sr. Mary Matilda (aka Ol' Mattie), whom I had for fifth grade--once told the class how to make butter milk. She loved it, too.

Nobody except for me seemed particularly interested, and some thought she was finally losing it (others thought she already had); but, suddenly and for the first time--and prabably the only time--ever, I felt a wave of warmth come over me for Ol' Mattie. In fact, I was so enraptured by the seemingly one and only commonality she and I shared that I don't remember a thing she said.

The rest of the time all I felt from Ol' Mattie was the wack of her yardstick across my back. She's the one that once knocked me out of the seat and flat onto the floor. One of the kids had just brought her a thick, 2-and-a-half-to-3-foot piece of sugarcane stalk from a trip he and his family had taken to New Orleans, and I was her first (and usual) target.

Very abruptly I became disabused of the idea that the main sensation one ought to expect from sugarcane is sweetness. Nope. Unmitigated pain.

How times have changed! Nobody thought of lawsuits. In fact, we hoped our parents didn't find out about the wacking because then we'd get further disciplined for causing the trouble that led to the wacking. We survived; and, funnily enough, we all loved Sr. Mary Matilda.

Anyway, back on point, I hope someone has the buttermilk answer. Sr. Mary Matilda has been indisposed for almost fifty years, so the best I can do is to pray for her secret formula and maybe she'll intercede. If so, that may qualify as one of the required miracles to put her in line as a candidate for sainthood. Other than that, I'm at a loss. And, othere than that, I'm not sure what would qualify Ol' Mattie for sainthood.

(But, I am too harsh. She was a stern teacher; but, beyond doubt, one of the best I ever had. She often kept me after school to help me with subjects I was a "little slow" at--and I did love her for caring about me.)

But, if you know the buttermilk answer, don't keep it to yourself. Pass on the where and how to get some.

Thanks for the great blog, and thanks in advance to the blogger who comes up with the true skinny on buttermilk.

Mr. K said...

Since you're "cooking creative," you could try making it yourself. Let us know if it actually works.

Mr. K said...

Homemade Buttermilk

Let's try that again ...